I am a long time tabletop rpg player and GM. I have run many games in my personal favorite system, Cypher System, and played in many others. But little over a year ago, I became a father. Before that I moved states, where I had no friends or family, a couple months before the pandemic hit...
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This post was sparked by recent events revolving around Wizards of the Coast (WotC), Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), and the Open Gaming License (OGL).
I personally believe you should always have a diverse set of options, even in hobbies. Let's use Tabletop RPGs for example. I personally don't care much for D&D and its system, I prefer Cypher system personally, or the many other unique systems that exist...
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January 2, 2023 | 07:40#video games | #books | #hardware | #board games
I have never done one of these before, but based on inspiration of other blogs I have read recently, and the Steam Replay. I figured I would go over my year in Books, Games (both video and board), and Hardware.
A little note, I became a father at the beginning of the year, and it might explain the weird skew of gaming, books, and hardware. Just food for thought...
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September 6, 2022 | 08:57#google | #alternatives | #self-host
There are many efforts around De-Googling all over the internet, but I personally find those are not realisitic for the majority of the people. Many people have no problems sacrificing privacy for convenience. Or they aren't tech savvy enough to find stuff out themselves.
What many in communities for degoogling, or the ones that will read this blog post forget sometimes, is the masses are very technically illiterate still...
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August 23, 2022 | 23:12#programming | #ai | #stable diffusion
Yesterday, Stability.ai finally released their Stable Diffusion model to the public. Having played with NightCafe, Midjourney, and getting access to Dall-E 2, I was excited to be able to run this locally on my own computer. I have a AMD Threadripper 2990WX with an AMD Radeon 6750XT video card...
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So TILs didn't work out for me, I prefer longer form writing. But I might gather up TILs like this and add them in groups to a post like this.
TIL 2 2021-02-16
Update 8/24/2022: This is no longer needed, there is now official programmatic way to do this using a header GCP providers for IAP using the Proxy-Authorization header.
Official IAP Documentation
The original post is at the more link...
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Many that conversed with me in the cryptocurrency world know that I am a huge fan and supporter of SONM. After reading their whitepaper, I quickly saw that they had a very adoptable design to their tech. Now, its not purely blockchain. It uses the blockchain to distributed tasks, send messaging, and other things like that, the actual tasks get run on standard compute devices using Docker...
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Since I feel that the Dart Plugin in IntelliJ is at a point where it can do most, if not all things that the Dart Editor can do. I thought I would show how to setup debugging of Web Applications.
Primarily because a certain few on IRC wanted a step-by-step guide because they were too lazy to figure it out (you know who you are....
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February 21, 2013 | 20:00#filesystems | #operating-systems | #cross-platform
As someone that has recently installed multiple operating systems on my desktop, I find a major problem that I think shouldn't really exist, but does.
Over the last few months I have made it so that my PC desktop runs Windows 8, Linux Mint 14, and OSX Mountain Lion. This was a long endeavor, especially OSX. But everything works nicely and I have the development environments I need on all 3 platforms and all the additional chat, social, and browsing software I like to have running...
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September 29, 2012 | 19:00#programming | #std-library | #languages
Disclaimer: After reading through this a few times, I realized my train of thought jumps around a lot on this. There is just so much going on in my head on this topic, its hard to not jump around. I apologize for the all over the place article. Hopefully my point is still conveyed...
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July 7, 2012 | 19:00#programming | #languages | #selectivism
This is an opinion and a rant based on my opinion and observations, you have been warned.
As a programmer, I see this a lot. People so engrossed in their language that they don't see its problems or shortcomings, and in turn think every other language, new or old, is bad and will never match up. I sit in a lot of programming language channels on Freenode, and the way I see people defend their language of choice or completely dismiss other languages is baffling...
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Disclaimer: This is all opinion and personal preference. A lot of the frameworks and game engines I talk about are great, and its my own choices that make them subpar for me. Please take this as an opinion peace, I am not trying to sway anyone in any way, it is just an explanation on why I chose what I did in hopes it might give someone else some ideas.
Ok, so this really isn't much a rant, but more of a why I chose to go this approach over some other approach...
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April 4, 2012 | 19:00#oauth | #programming | #selectivism
One thing that really bugs me lately is the selective use of OAuth providers. Specifically, Facebook. It is one of my pet peeves when I come to a site that I want to try out, but they require Facebook in order to login. I rarely if ever use Facebook, I personally hate using Facebook (rant for another day), but I have one, for some basic connections and logging into places if I really have to...
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